Saturday, November 03, 2007

gud day

i remember tht time,
when i was 17, i wrote a poem,
for my schul book,
it was a masterpiece for me.
and i had many who gave their compliments to me.

it was a sad one.
i even cried when i wrote it.
thts wat makes it even more meaningful.

infact, most of my treasured poems are sad.

right now,

i want to write sumthin cheerful,
somethin tht can give one a hope.

i have exms this monday,
i stop studying after my class end at 5.15pm dis evening,
cause i decided to myself, tht, i had enough studying, i want to relax.
is tht a gud decision?
i will only have tmrw to study.

and i can assure u, i have a lot,
and right now its already 11.24pm,
so, can i wake up early feeling new fresh start?
i once read or sumbody told me, tht d last day before exm, we hav 2 relax,
well, im doing tht right now, so i'll be all studying tomorrow,
is tht a gud decision?

tonight i waste again my time.

but, i watch a movie, and at the end of it, there's a gud song, which im listening to right now,
and tht makes me want to write here in my blog.
sumthin wonderful. ^_^